Meet Cindy Umland- 2017 Global United Community Service Ambassador - Minnesota, USA
Cindy lives in Sauk Rapids, Minnesota. She can often times be found at Shopko where she has been employed this fall for 27 years.
When she's not working she spends her time being active in the Minnesota Women of Today including her local St. Cloud chapter. She enjoy her weekends going to visit her parents in Wadena where they will visit and play several games of cards.
Cindy has come to believe through Women of Today that it better to leave the world a better place by giving your time to a variety of different community service opportunities, just Make a difference it will all add up.
She is glad she joined the Global United family this year it's giving her the opportunity to touch the lives of those in need and let all know it's not always how you look but the size of your heart that truly matters. You can follow Cindy's pageant adventures on facebook by clicking HERE