Meet Marneet Leewis- Ms Global United 2018-19

Lewis won the best interview award and best international garb award at the
international beauty pageant.

Lewis is humbled and thrilled to announce, this year marks her 20th year volunteering for the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program. The Angel Tree Program provides gifts of new clothing and toys to over 3,000 children in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties, who otherwise might not have anything for Christmas. Children who are recipients of Angel Tree gifts are from families who have applied for Christmas assistance through the Social Services program of The Salvation Army. Businesses throughout the Portland Metro area sign up as participants to collect toys to help our local Corps make Christmas possible for these families. Participating businesses receive Angel Tree tags that resemble ornaments for their office Christmas Tree. This gives employees and customers the opportunity to select an Angel Tree tag, representing a child in need. Each tag will have a child's age, gender and suggested gifts to help people shop.

We are thrilled to have Marneet in our Global United Family.